Top Ten Longest Books I’ve Read

I'm a big fantasy reader so some of these are massive books. A lot of them are in the same series, and while I debated sorting them by length I decided to organise them into these series just because there were so many. I got all of these page numbers from goodreads just based on [...]

Top Ten Books on my Fall TBR

So "fall" (spring here in Australia) has already started but it lasts for most of the rest of the year. I haven't read a lot this year so I still have a bunch of books on my yearly TBR that I need to read. They're all kind of big books and I don't know how [...]

Ten Books That Have Been on my TBR Forever

Sorry I've been missing lately, school is crazy and I am low on motivation as it is so adding blogging into the mix would only distract me further. Hence, this is going to be a rather short post. I started goodreads on April 11th 2016, but before that I kept a tbr in my phone [...]

Top Ten Books I meant to read in 2017

I'm linking up with the top ten tuesday meme from The Broke and The BookishĀ again, with the topic this week being, "top ten books you meant to read in 2017 but didn't get to." I have a lot of books like this on my TBR so I definitely have a lot to talk about today. [...]

Top Ten Anticipated 2018 Releases

Sorry for the late post, I've been busy in Christmas celebrations with my family who I only see a few times each year. I can't believe the year is basically over, but at the same time I am so excited for what the new year will bring. This week's Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by The [...]

Emma’s Top Ten Books of 2017

I've read a bunch of books in 2017, I'm currently at 93 aiming for 100 by the end of the year. A few of those have been novellas and short middle grade books but I've still read quite a few full length novels which gives me a massive selection for this list. These aren't all [...]

Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR

I know it's winter for those of you in the northern hemisphere, but down here in Australia it isĀ summer!! I love summer okay? The heat doesn't bother me and I really enjoy having the free time. I know a lot of people enjoy reading light and fluffy books in summer but I'm actually the opposite. [...]

Top Ten Books I Want My Future Kids to Read

The top ten tuesday topic for this week is books you want your future kids to read. This is an amazing topic, the only problem is that there are way more than ten?? Even if I don't have kids of my own these are the books I will need nieces / nephews / friend's kids [...]

Top Ten Characters Who Would Make Great Leaders

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the BookishĀ This is a really interesting topic because it says you can pick what you think they would be a good leader of, it can be anything from a country to a bookclub. I am going to be supplying a few different options [...]

Top Ten Unique Book Titles

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's top ten tuesday topic is books with unique titles. I love this topic, it's so unique and I found it really interesting to comb through my goodreads and try to find books with amazing titles. ThereĀ are so many [...]