When You Need the Motivation to Keep Writing

This is in response to my post from a few months ago,  When The Ideas Won’t Cooperate which is about the struggles of writing. I wanted to say two things. (1) Thanks to all the people who commented on that post with motivation. It's good to know that there are other people out there who go through [...]

Nanowrimo 2017 Update (2)

Nanowrimo is two thirds done and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to reach 50k. Although I really want to write the daily goals I need to reach to finish are over 3k every day and with all the homework I have I am not sure if that's really achievable.   Day [...]

NaNoWriMo Update (1)

We're 1/3 of the way through Nanowrimo!! My motivation is kind of dipping. I haven't written anything for the past two days because I've been busy and distracted and a bit sick. But I'm going to do heaps of writing over the weekend so you don't need to worry about me.   Day 1 - [...]

October Wrap Up and November TBR

October has gone past crazily fast, and I've done a lot less reading than I planned. Now it's time to look back on the craziness and see what's been going on. Also can I just say that I love writing wrap ups? They help me realise how quickly time is passing. I briefly caught up [...]

Nanowrimo Tips I Learnt in 2016

Nanowrimo is just around the corner (only a couple more days to go!) and it's made me reflect on my experiences last year in nanowrimo. I thought I'd pass on some tips I learnt from participating in my first nanowrimo, you probably know a few of them already but it can't hurt to have them [...]

I’m Participating in Nanowrimo; Are You?

We're half way through prep-tober and Nanowrimo is just around the corner. For those of you who don't know, nanowrimo or national novel writing month is when people try to write a novel (or 50 000 words) in the month of November. I participated last year and despite my stressfully high amount of school work [...]

July Wrap Up and August TBR

July was a pretty good month for me. I had holidays for the first half of the month so I got a reasonable amount of reading and writing done. Unfortunately I always wish I could have done a bit more, and especially in terms of school work I didn't do as much as I probably [...]

Mid Camp Nanowrimo Check In

We're half way through the month, how crazy is that? The days have just flown by, but now seems like an appropriate time to check in with my camp nanowrimo goals and plans to see whether I have actually stuck to them. Hopefully by sharing this information with you all I will feel more motivated [...]

2017 Goals Check In

I made a bunch of goals at the beginning of the year and now that it is half way through the year (ahh that doesn't feel real) I am going to go over them and see how I am going. Some are going so well... some are going not so well.   Reading Read 80 [...]

June Wrap Up and July TBR

It feels like it's been so long since I last wrote a blog post. I'm so sorry. I have been busy with school and the books I have read this month have all been school ones. It hasn't been a great reading month unfortunately. I know I've said it before, but I do aim to write [...]