Top Ten Book I Liked More/Less Than Other People Did

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme run by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is top ten books you liked more or less than other people did or than you expected you would. I decided to go with comparisons to other people using the compare feature on goodreads to see which books I rated drastically differently than some of my friends. There were also a bunch of books more than one person had a differing opinion on so that got interesting.


Time Riders by Alex Scarrow


I loved this series ok, the first book wowed me and it was all uphill from there. I was super interested in the mystery and the time stuff that was happening but not one but two of my friends read the first book in the series and didn’t find it interesting enough to continue. You can read my review of the Time Rider’s series. And here is a Goodreads link.


The Calling by James Frey


Although I liked this book it wasn’t amazing. One of my friends was OBSESSED with it and thought it was the best thing ever. Unfortunately I have to disagree. Here’s the Goodreads link.


The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater


My friend Bella from Bella Blogs Because Books didn’t love this book, she gave it three stars. I loved this book, this book became my heart and soul. I gave this book five stars because how could I not. A goodreads link.


These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner


Cait from Paper Fury rated this 5 stars and reading her goodreads review makes me love the book, but actually reading the book…. youch. I liked it well enough for the first half but what even happened at the end??? The plot got way out of hand and ended up really weird. I did love the characters though. although they did remind me an awful lot of the characters in the book I was writing at the time (and am still writing now because I’m slow). You can read my review here or go to the goodreads link.


The Crown by Kiera Cass


I actually loved this book. I saw a lot of myself in Eadlyn and to quote from my review “I know that at times she was self-centered and blunt but I think that it is important to represent these characteristics in female characters.” It’s not like I go into any of Keira Cass’s books expecting much plot or depth, they’re just fun to read. A Goodreads link.


A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas


Yeh I actually hated this book. I loved the sequel, but I only read it because I borrowed them both from a friend at the same time. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have ever touched them, I wasn’t interested in the characters or what was going on and it took me FOREVER to read this book. A Goodreads link.


Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard


While I was reading this book three people came up to me at my school (people that I kind of knew who were in one of my classes or something) and told me they hated this book, three more people came up to me and told me they loved this book. Personally I felt kind of meh about this book. It wasn’t great… but I still aim to read the sequel eventually. A goodreads link.


Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins


Pretty much everyone I know loved Mockingjay and rated it four or five stars. I rated it two stars. I thought it was pretty boring. Not much happened. I never cared about Katniss, I was always in this for the plot so… yeh. Goodreads link.


Atlantia by Ally Condie


I loved this book. I have reread this book multiple times, just the concept and the characters… I love it. I have seen a lot of people hate on this book, or I have recommended it to them and they can’t even finish it. It makes me sad. Maybe I just love it so much because I read it before I read any of Ally Condie’s other books (which I did not like). Goodreads link.


The 5th Wave Series by Rick Yancy


I read the first book and loved it. I wanted to read this book to my children, I had to stop every few pages and put it down. That is how excited I was about this book. Then I saw a few negative reviews, a few more… I thought maybe I was just in a weird mind frame because I’d been reading bad books. I reread the first book quickly followed by the rest of the series and loved them once again. I rated every book in this series four or five stars. Other people apparently don’t love this series quite so much… Goodreads link.

23 thoughts on “Top Ten Book I Liked More/Less Than Other People Did

  1. I honestly thought The Heir and The Crown were okay. I didn’t love them as much as I did The Selection. I personally thought that Eadlyn’s and Erik’s relationship was not very well developed (like one minute she was thinking, “Oh, I love no one, no one at all,” and then she was like, “I knew with all my heart that I loved Erik” and I was just like what???) but I do like her as a character. (Although sometimes she was a bit self-centered, like you said.) AND AGH I NEED TO READ THE SCORPIO RACES. I mean, I love the Raven Cycle and would’ve read all Maggie’s books, but they’re all in first person and right now I’m just not enjoying first person??? But that will change. :P


  2. I really enjoyed The Scorpio Races but wasn’t such a fan of The Raven Cycle, so that made me feel weird. I have really mixed feelings about Red Queen and its sequel, but I like that there’s so much action when other fantasy series end up slowing down a lot. I completely love the Starbound trilogy though: it’s the space thing that does it for me!


    1. That is a bit weird about liking The Scorpio Races but not The Raven Cycle, I haven’t read the whole Raven Cycle yet though and I did read the Scorpio Races beforehand and I can tell that they have very different feelings. I do plan to read the rest of the Starbound Trilogy because they are written so well, it just got a bit too weird for me to fully enjoy it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I bought Red Queen and ACOTAR recently. I’ve seen ACOTAR on A LOT of people’s lists today, so now I’m a little nervous about it. lol! We’ll see how it goes I guess. Great list!


  4. I totally agree on ACOTAR and Red Queen. I didn’t really like either of these books and so many people love them (although you’re right on Red Queen being a hate or love it kind of book). I’m glad you liked The Scorpio Races because that book is fantastic, especially if you like audiobooks.


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