Top Ten Fantasy Novels I’ve Recently Added to my TBR

This week’s top ten tuesday topic is books from a genre of your choice that you have recently added to your tbr. I read a lot of fantasy so obviously I pick fantasy, and because it’s such a big genre there is always more out there just waiting to be discovered.  Here are some of the most recent additions to my tbr.





what books have you recently added to your tbr?

19 thoughts on “Top Ten Fantasy Novels I’ve Recently Added to my TBR

    1. Glad you hear you enjoyed it, from what I’ve seen of the art in some reviews it looks so amazing so I can’t wait to read it.


  1. I am so excited for Maggie’s new book! I’m lucky enough to work at Fountain Bookstore and we sell signed copies of her books (and limited doodled copies- we’ve already sold out of the pre-orders for the doodled copies of these books). I’m also excited about Royal Bastards! Monstress keeps catching my eye too, so I might just have to get it!


  2. This TTT has been hard on my TBR. I feel like I am adding all kind of new things to my want to read shelf. I also have Monstress on my TBR and I am very anxious to read it.


  3. ‘The Rithmatist’ is awesome! I loved it so much and can’t wait for the next part :)
    ‘Prince of Thorns’ has been on my wishlist forever! I should really try it soon – there’s so many books by the author already!


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